
Al Aziziya Park

Doha, Qatar

In 2006 the Asian games was held at Khalifa Stadium and nearby is Al Aziziya Park. Located at Sports City Drive, the park is only a short distance from the stadium and all the history that transpired there. The overriding concept for this park is to
honour the Athlete and the sacrifices made to perform at this elite level as well as push their bodies to the limits they do in the search for glory.

In the layout of the design we have establish a mound to protect the park area from the busy road to the east. An entrance tunnel under the mound acts as the gateway to the park and can symbolise the transition from an athlete’s life to
a citizen’s life or can simulate the moment of glory when winning or achieving a goal and transitioning to the realm of recognition from the realm of preparation and ambition.

We have used the framework of 5 Olympic rings to symbolise the international symbol for competition. The ring surrounding the open field in the centre also symbolises the usual medals given as rewards to the winning athletes